Thursday, December 24, 2009

Go or no go? The SEN factor mixes up Indian journalists report

Carlsen confirms he will not be part of Anand's team for the match with Topalov

Caricature Anand

Magnus Carlsen was supposed to be part of Anand's team, as reported by the Indian Calcutta Telegraph earlier this week. However, alarms sounded as several other sources quoted Peter Heine Nielsen as the "sure second" for Anand.

After the Times of India report was published with the different team setup, Chessdom journalists contacted Magnus Carlsen himself for confirmation via Facebook. "I will make my own statement regarding this matter soon," commented Carlsen and a few minutes afterwards changed his status to, "Magnus Øen Carlsen: Is apparently not going to be a second for Anand after all. A shame, as I was really looking forward to that."

For the Chessbase blog of F. Friedel, Carlsen's father also denied the news, although not giving additional details for now.

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